Up to 8 hours of customized team and leadership training and hands-on work designing leadership strategies specific to your team, including employee management and review techniques related to team-building retreat outcomes
Venue Hosting
2 Snacks
1 Lunch
Unlimited beverages
Participant packets
Sensory items
Leaders will have tools and methods for exploring who they are, as an individual and as a leader, what is important to them, and be introduced to strategies for how to integrate their personal values and approach to life into a cohesive leadership philosophy.
Knowledge of the Window of Tolerance, and an understanding of how to use it effectively in the leadership of their team.
An introduction to team developmental stages and an in-dept look at the stage identified for that team specifically. This exploration will include what to expect in the team’s current developmental stage, the tasks for moving through that stage, common stressors often experienced while going through that phase, and leadership strategies to use within that stage.
A customized communication skills-building tool that allows the team to learn how to resolve conflict in a way that focuses on experiences and needs rather than problems and solutions. Additionally, ideas will be provided on how to coach the team and improve the quality of the interactions between team members and leaders.
Leaders will have the opportunity to develop a list of 3 key leadership values. If the leadership retreat follows a team retreat, 3 team-identified values that unite all team members in a common purpose will be shared from the previous retreat. Ideas and strategies for leadership and team-values integration will then be provided and discussed.
A SMART goal that corresponds to each value area with a timeframe for follow-up and clearly designated roles for team members and leaders working towards those goals will be created.
Leadership strategies for employee management, based on the values and goals outlined in the retreats and integrated with the communication tool, will be explored and customized.